Friday, July 08, 2011

Colorful black hole

I'm not afraid of the dark,
wearing my colorless sark,
standing in my elusive ark,
I'm afraid of the spark.

It the park daily I take
my dose of blessed fake,
trying to forsake,
wanting to awake.

I don't sing my songs anymore,
I don't play them more and more,
fighting in my own exhausting war,
all I wanna do is touch the floor.

So many things I can't resist,
from one to another I still twist,
not even knowing what I insist,
I just know I want to exist.

Don't want to feel so confused,
even though I'm still not accused,
I thought I can't be amused,
maybe I wished to be fused.

Everything has to slow down,
to stop before I drown
and regret for calling a noun,
can't run away from this town.

Here I'll leave this final mark,
I'll exist and I will hark
and maybe I'm afraid of the dark,
maybe I'm desperate for the spark.

Now I wanna get back in my ark
and put on my colorless sark,
just to go back in the park,
I just want to exist and hark...